Trees Provide Benefits

June 10, 2016
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Not everyone was born a tree lover.  I know!  It’s hard to believe.  Some people actually need to be convinced that trees are a good thing.  Take a look around this weekend when you are out and about at some of the parking lots you encounter.  Aside from the spots at the very front the most coveted are usually those under the shade of the trees.  Trees are required in parking lots for a variety of reasons, one of which is keeping down overall temperatures.  But there’s a sneaky side benefit that these trees are providing….making us walk further.  Usually the better shade spots are further out in the parking lots away from the entrances.  There is probably no other reason that someone would park further away from the front of a building except for the shade of a tree.  Trees are actually encouraging us to exercise without us even knowing it.  Maybe they are even trying to remind us to read  more (Paper comes from trees).  Or even mind our manners (Never met a rude tree).  All the touchy feely benefits that we preach about trees are actually true.  Look at the parking lots.
